The magazine has been in the implementation phase and blasted with the positive thinking and determination to promote and seek for proper remedial of contemporary and significant issues of the Nation.
The magazine provides its readers with a story from every side, the authority, and the consumers. Biases in journalism are strictly prohibited. It strives to maintain a balance between opposing thought. The inclination and declination towards any of it can have a negative influence on its readers. The stories and issues sometimes are presented in such ways that they create an adverse imprint on patrons. The group or organizations that have greater power can use it to their malicious benefits if the news and stories are inclined towards them. The required balance in the story is exemplified by the magazine in its past issues and is determined to do in future. It gives priority to people of the Nation, its readers.
Journalism is the spectacle of the people of the Nation. It is the medium through which people view the situation of the Nation. It gives them understanding, makes them aware, creates interest in them, gives them the situation to analyze and helps the to take right decisions. To say the least, it gives people the thought. Journalism has the power to influence, positively and negatively. The influence can be positive only when there is a correct reflection. The ethical responsibility of journalism id to give out what has happened. The magazine is determined to fulfill the ethical responsibility as it has been doing in the past.
Nepal has gone through the reign of several types of rulers indicating the political change. The pattern of journalism has also changed with time .The unfair treaties or decisions wouldn’t have been informed and made aware. Today there has been development in the sector of communication and mass media, along with which journalism has prospered.
That was history but We have to live in present. if then it is high time now that people and nation should unify against any evil. Evil can happen at a place, in a certain period of time, in a closed room or in parliament house or even could be conspiracy done by few anti-nation elements. What we mean by evil here might be an unthought-of decision about the country, the decision for the vested interest of few, biases in policy, planning and decision making which is harmful to mass. With the development, journalism has shed light against this evil, only then when it was done with true spirit, with bearing the ethical responsibility and when it was done for the country.
Yuwa Hunkar National Monthly has been moving head with the slogan “Journalism for the Nation”. Nation and its people are the priority for Hunkar.
The team of Hunkar originates from the core of Katmandu city. The team cropped up with the will to do something for the nation and in the nation. the team stood up at the time when the majority of youth saw dusky future in Nepal and started migrating to foreign countries either for employment, security or academic purpose. The team bravely and optimistically moved ahead hand in hand. The unstable political situation then also would have been a major obstruction if the team didn’t believe in themselves.
Hunkar is the team of an energetic youth of the nation moving ahead with determination to contribute to nation’s development. Hunkar has the team of very hard working and skilled individuals with positive thinking, determination and will power. Hunkar is not only the team of youth but some intellectuals and prominent journalists are there as active advisors who have helped the cause. The guidance is provided by them and the team moves forward gallantly. The term has a perfectly functioning administrating body which manages the programs of Hunkar. The effective communication, networking, and coordination among us have brought about the development of Hunkar into an established publication.
The team respects constitutional rights and is strongly against any sort of discrimination may it be on the basis of caste, ethnicity, gender, class, physical condition etc. The team works inside the boundary of the profession, its ethics, and values.


मोविलीटी र मुभमेन्ट बढाएर जिल्लाको सुरक्षा चुस्त दुरुस्त राखेका छौं, एसएसपी पोखरेल
एसएसपी पोखरेलका अनुसार
ललितपुर जिल्लाभरीका सबै
क्षेत्रमा प्रहरी परिसर समेत
गरी ३८ वटा, वृत्त र
प्रभागहरु रहेका छन् ।
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